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  • 086 Tower House

    • Takamitsu AZUMA
    • Nagano Construction Co.
    • On a tiny lot in a very chic and fashionable Ura-Harajuku area, stands a small tower shaped residence of Takamitsu Azuma. With this debut work, he emphatically presented a concept that envisioned a preferred living style of urban dwelling as opposed to the prevalent popular mass preference of suburban dwelling and its lifestyle in the 1960's. Inside this minuscule lot of only 20m2, he designed a house with the total floor area of 65m2. The interior spaces are stacked vertically to be semi-continuous, giving a rich spatial quality, and the house maintains a desired separation of public (outside) and private (inside) domains by differentiating the main level of the house from the street level, by tactically positioning exterior walls and by carefully designing the size and location of fenestration.
    • 1966年
    • tokyo