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  • 021 NTT WEST Kyoto Branch Nishiijn Annex

    • Ministry of Communications, Building & Repairs Section (Roku IWAMOTO)
    • Ando-gumi
    • In downtown Kyoto, stands a significant modern telephone exchange building that represents as the architectural milestone of the early modern movement in Japan. The modern movement of architecture in Japan was initiated circa 1905, by deviating from the accepted practice of just following the western architectural historic styles as the only legitimate expressive model, and in the 1910's, the creativity and rationalism was adopted as the guiding fundamental in design. The architect responsible, Roku Iwamoto (1893-1922) was especially radical, and in conjunction with other forms of the fine arts, he had come to consider the architecture as a mind game to play. This building was his debut work. The laissez-faire facade design is a remarkable specimen of the early Japanese architecture of the modern movement, and testifies that he created independently a striking composition of his own similar to the compositional quality of the German Expressionism.
    • 1921年
    • kyoto